Sri Radharaman Rasiya Bakau
This is a part of Raag Sewa in Radha Raman Temple (18.02.2025) Poem by Gunamanjari Das in Raag Purya Dhanashri Vocal by Sati Devi, Bansuri by Mohan Shyam Pachori
The Translation:
"In narrow lanes of Vrindavan, the incompareble Romantic, Sri Radharaman, finds any means to obstract and playfully tease the gopies along their way. He holds a cow-herding stick in hand and rases an eyebrownaughtily. Whoeer sees His beauty always craves for more. Gunamanjari says"I findnd the charming boldness of My youthfull Shriji so endearing."
Raag Sewa in Radha Raman Temple "Meerabai's Bhajan" in Raag Bherbi
Mahaprabhu bhajan
An original track composed by Robert Campagmola, Hari (USA) on the basis of classical composition in Teentaal.
Pandit Radheshyam Sharma, (India) is playing Tabla.
Sati Devi, (Russia) is singing
...however there is a mistake in the middle of the track ... things don't go right according to the rules of teentaal...why? what is this track trying to express?
The Mystical information is not only expressed by words. It is beyond words. So You can hear Yourself and get Your own experience from it - listen... think...make conclusions or just leave it as it is.
The Video is a photo of the Deity of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu from the Temple of Divine Energy.
Авторский трек Роберта Кампаньолы, Хари (США) на основе классической композиции в Тинтаале
Пандит Радхешьям Шарма (Индия) играет на Табла
Сати Деви (Россия) поет.
...но так или иначе в середине трека ошибка... все происходит вопреки правилам тинтаала. почему? о чем этот трек говорит нам?
Мистическая информация не всегда передается словами. Она за пределами слов. Вы можете сами услышать или получить собственный опыт - послушать...подумать...сделать вывод или оставить все как есть.
На видео фотография Божества Чайтаньи Махапрабху из Храма Божественной Энергии.
Parvati Vandana
This is the offering to Goddess Parvati Devi, who is always together with Her Beloved Husband Lord Shiva.
About separation
There are no separations, there are only incompatibilities. And if compatibility is there, there is no separation.