Tuning to the Divine

Part of the process of evolution is to develop our connection with the divine energies in this universe. It is reassuring and comforting to see divinity in nature or in other persons. We have the capacity to connect to the divine beings, or to God, or to those who are beyond this earth in the same manner as we just discussed. We simply need to develop it. This is more related to awakening than it is to hard work and discipline. When we have a desire to tune to a divine being and we are able to receive their frequency, we can tune to them through the process of acceptance. Acceptance of the divine is the key. Acceptance is not work, not an effort or an endeavor. It is a state of being we tune to by our desire.

Tuning to the divine requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience. It is not difficult when one knows how, but learning how requires time and attention. One of the arts we need is to find the circumstances where connections are easier done. As an example of this, there are places where there are representations of God or divinity. Most places with a facility for people to connect to God have forms that represent the energy of the divine. Granted, there may be people who go to such places of worship we may not wish to have around us, especially when they are from a different discipline or community as our own. However, if we were to place ourselves in front of spiritual forms that we accept with devotion and tune to these forms, we could feel their spiritual power. This is not for everyone. For some, religion has a bad name and going to a church or temple is out of the question. By the natural arrangement, the spectacular energy found within nature offers sufficient impetus to absorb oneself in the divine. One can commune with the divine simply sitting beneath a magnificent tree.

Consciously being aware of living energy is an art that can be developed or expanded. As previously explained, this ability is natural to all of us and is used by us regularly. Due to the automatic manner in which our emotional awareness manifests, most of us have never analyzed how we are aware of how others feel. We simply accept it as a natural part of life. We are usually not consciously aware of
how we eat food and we rarely contemplate how we taste. We just accept our sensory awareness as a given and rarely question it. Unless we have a disorder, we see no reason to question the mechanisms of our perception. When we eat mindfully, for example, fully aware of the taste, aroma and texture of the food as well as its source transforms the eating process entirely. By taking an ordinary, everyday event and seeing it from a different point of view, our mood about this event and the perceptive awareness we contribute to the actions involved in it increases enormously.

In the next section, we discuss a method to do this.
Next —> Step One - Relaxation